An Analysis of the Saltillo Style in Mexican Sarapes
An Analysis of the Saltillo Style in Mexican Sarapes
By Katharine Drew Jenkins, with introduction by Thomas McCormick and essays by Ira Jacknis and Mark Winter. Soft cover, 188 pages, 64 color plates plus copious additional illustrations. In 1951 Katharine Jenkins completed her MA Degree from the University of California, Berkeley with a thesis titled An Analysis of the Saltillo Style in Mexican Sarapes. Only a single copy exists, housed in U.C. Berkeley library for nearly 70 years. It is a resource known to many but seen by few. The 147 page thesis is completely reproduced including her hand drawn graphics and the photo documentation of the study Saltillos. Ira Jacknis, a Research Anthropologist at the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum, U.C. Berkeley, has written an informative biography of Jenkins and Mark Winter contributed an insightful essay examining Jenkins’s 1951 research in light of recent discoveries and developments in understanding these amazing textiles.